Friday, February 27, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

World reacts to Obama speech

CNN corespondents report from the Middle East and south Asia with reaction to President Obama's address to Congress.

China, UK on Obama speech

CNN correspondents report from Britain and China with reactions to President Obama's address to Congress.

Obama's Presidency: Day 37

A busy 37th day as President Obama picks a third commerce secretary nominee and the IRS announces a tax credit.

Getting Settled

The Obamas have settled into their role as first family during Barack Obama's first month in office. Maggie Rodriguez reports.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

'Day of reckoning has arrived'

Obama vows to end Iraq war

President Obama vows to enact a "responsible way" to end the war in Iraq.

Obama's budget goals

President Obama says the budget he will submit to Congress will concentrate on energy, health care and education.

'It's about helping people'

President Obama says the stimulus isn't about helping banks, but about helping people.

Obamas host their first black-tie dinner at the White House

Watch CBS Videos Online

Obama vows to halve budget deficit

President Barack Obama pledged on Monday to cut the ballooning U.S. budget deficit by half in the next four years.
That may be a tall order when the nearly $800 billion stimulus plan, the $2.5 trillion bank bailout plan and the $250 billion mortgage lending program are factored into the equation. Jon Decker reports

Obama's juggling act

White House Correspondent Dan Lothian lays out some topics Pres. Obama may address in his State of the Nation speech.

Japan PM visits Obama Feb 24

Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso visits with President Barack Obama at the White House.

Conservative Dems dog Obama

Senior Congressional correspondent Dana Bash brings us a report from a group of conservative Democrats.

Obama answers critics

President Obama responds to GOP governors who threaten to turn down stimulus aid. CNN's Dan Lothian reports.

McCain Lectures Obama On Marine One Helicopters

Monday, February 23, 2009

Obama's Presidency: Day 35

President Obama meet with the nation's governors and holds a fiscal responsibility summit.

Jindal responds to Obama

Bobby Jindal, Louisiana's Republican governor, responded to the President's comments about the stimulus bill.

Governors meet with Obama

The leadership of the National Governors Association talks about their meeting with President Obama.

Obama: No stimulus shortcuts

President Obama warns governors that his administration will not tolerate shortcuts or wasteful spending of the stimulus.

Obama's spending plan

President Obama turns his attention to cutting domestic spending, as CNN's Kate Boludan reports.

Alan Keyes After the 36th Annual March for Life - Feb 12 2009

Skip to 4:00 minutes in - thats where the Obamamania begins.

This Is Sparta With Obama

This is Sparta!

Social Work 610 Dreams From My Father: Barack Obama

Barack Obama was able to achieve successful adult adaptation based on the six criteria from Werner and Smith.

KHADIJO Ft. BERMUDA TRI - We Shall Overcome (Obama Tribute)

Schwarzenegger: Obama needs GOP to be 'team players'

This video is from ABCs This Week, broadcast Feb. 22, 2009.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Media 'slobbering' over Obama?

Media critic Bernard Goldberg faults the media for "slobbering" over President Obama.

Olbermanns Take on Alan Keys "Obama Communist" Comments

Thanks to
Olbermann rocks!

Alan Keyes Being Arrested?

According to the source, it is.

How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted! *documentary trailer*

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Protesters Slam Post Cartoon

Demonstrators gathered in front of the New York Post headquarters in Manhattan in order to condemn a recently published cartoon which some say compares Pres. Obama to a chimpanzee shot by police.

Watch CBS Videos Online

Stimulus = bigger paycheck?

CNN's Kate Bolduan reports on how President Obama's economic stimulus plan will soon mean more money in your paycheck.

2/21/09: Your Weekly Address

President Obama announces that the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act will start having an impact as soon as a few weeks from now, in the form of the quickest and broadest tax cut in history.

President Obama Meets with Nations Mayors

President Obama speaks to America's mayors at the White House about their role in America's communities and the economic recovery.

Limbaugh misquoted Obama on home values

Thanks to Media Matters!

Obama's approval rating

President Obama's approval rating is still high, but the stimulus bill is starting to hurt it. CNN's Bill Schneider reports.

Bill Clinton Tells Obama To Lighten Up

Bill Clinton Tells Obama To Lighten Up

Alan Keyes calls Obama "A Communist and Will Destroy America"

Friday, February 20, 2009

Obama's presidency: Day 32

President Obama meets with the nation's mayors to discuss urban funding from the $787B stimulus package.

Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper Talks About President Obama

Obama Applies For "Best Job In The World" by JK Citizen

For info on JK Citizen:

Obama offers mayors a hand

President Obama tells mayors that they can succeed with a hand from Washington.

Afghanistan now Obama's war

Feb. 18 - President Barack Obama has ordered the deployment of 17,000 additional troops to Afghanistan.
The White House is still conducting a broad review of U.S. policy on Afghanistan, which is expected in April.


"Real Headz" is an animated cartoon series based on the characters of Real City.
Starring: Slim Boogie, Bigg Cliff, Crooked Styles, Baby Lou and many more.

Canadians love Obama

Yes They Do!

NY Post says sorry

CNN's Jason Carroll looks into whether people are taking the New York Post's apology for the chimp cartoon seriously.

'Yes We Canada' greets Obama

Looks like we got a new blog slogan!

U.S. image restored?

Very cool report on Obamas image.

Obama, Harper Field Tough Questions From The Media Feb 19 2009

Obama's presidency: Day 31

The 31st day of the Obama administration was dominated by America's struggling economy and the troop increase in Afghanistan.

Raw AP Video: Obama Gets Size 23 Gift From Shaq

Shaquille O'Neal couldn't be around himself when President Barack Obama arrived at Sky Harbor International Airport. So when the president stepped off of Air Force One, Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon's son Jake gave him a sizeable gift. (Feb. 18)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama Plays Wii with Obama Girl, The Clintons & Bush

This is funny!

Obama Visist Canada News Report From CBC

Obama Visist Canada News Report From CBC

Obama Lands In Ottawa News Report From CBC

Obama Lands In Ottawa News Report From CBC

Obama Lands In Ottawa Feb 19 2009

News Report from CTV Canada

Obama arrives in Ottawa Canada

Obama arrives in Ottawa Canada

First Lady Michelle Obama Talked To 6th And 7th Graders

First Lady Michelle Obama Talked To 6th And 7th Graders

Peter Griffin Interrupts President Obama

Peter Griffin Interrupts President Obama

Obama's presidency: Day 30

President Obama visits Arizona to explain the new stimulus package while his administration gets to work in Washington.

Monkey cartoon draws fire

A controversial cartoon is drawing fire from civil rights groups. CNN's Kyra Phillips has more.

Oddball Obama signature

What's up with how President Obama pens his signature? CNN's Jeanne Moos wonders if what they say about lefties is right.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What Obama's plan won't do

President Obama says his plan will not save every home.

Obama steps up deployment

President Obama approves 17,000 additional troops to Afghanistan. CNN's Chris Lawrence reports.

Obama: Aid homeowners

President Obama unveils a $75 billion multi-pronged plan that seeks to help up to nine million homeowners.

Obama Girl Stimulates (New Mike Gregory Song!!)

HAHAHA this is awesome!

Obama OKs More Troops for Afghanistan

President Barack Obama approved adding some 17,000 U.S. troops for the flagging war in Afghanistan, his first significant move to change the course of a conflict that his closest military advisers have warned the United States is not winning.

Is Obama Keeping His Promises CNN

Barack Obama on Marijuana Decriminalization 2004

Wait a few seconds, footage was loaded with Black in the beginning? Barack Obama on Marijuana Decriminalization 2004

Young Americans on Obama

CNN's John Roberts talks to's Alexander Heffner about what young Americans think of Obama.

Obama's mortgage plan

President Obama is set to announce his new mortgage plan. CNN's Kitty Pilgrim reports.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Obama's presidency: Day 29

A big day for President Obama as he signed the $787 billion economic stimulus plan into law.

Obama approves troop buildup

CNN's Chris Lawrence reports that President Obama has approved the deployment of additional troops to Afghanistan.

Obama signs stimulus bill

President Obama signs the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law.

Barack Obama Dancing On Ellen 2007

President Obama Busting More Dance Moves On Ellen

Obama Signs Stimulus Feb 17 2009 Obama Video

Obama Upgrading Marine One at Cost of 11.2 billion ?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Happy Presidents Day From Obamamania - Yes We Can Blog!

Thanks for the support so far, were growing with it. Have a great president's day, start by enjoying this Animaniacs clip.

Ellen Calls Obama To Wish Happy Presidents Day

Ellen Calls Obama To Wish Happy Presidents Day

Happy President's Day Barack Obama from tihirahtaliaferro

Happy President's Day Barack Obama from tihirahtaliaferro YouTube, she reads a 3 minute poem.

Happy Presidents Day

Kids are great...for my ratings.

Happy President's Day, President Obama! from NOBODY4PRESIDENT2012

NO REQUESTS funny money

From Tim & barry TV YouTube, "no requests" new single- ft Barak Obama and Gordon Brown

Obama Throws Rap Singer Ludacris under the Bus

I honestly thought the lyrics kicked ass, they play it right at the start and then they talk about it.

Bootylicious? Nah...SPENDELICIOUS !!!

Political Satire/Spoof of Obama Spending and Stimulus Plan in the spirit of Bootylicious...Spendelicious!

OBAMA - "The Rising Son"

Honestly this video is super informational. Some of the wisdom, if really true is mind blowing, seriously.

A chance to see Obama

Arizona residents are lining up to see President Obama speak. KNXV reports.

President Obama's NBA All-Star Game Message

President Obama discusses the importance of serving others in a message aired during the NBA All-Star Game halftime on February 15, 2009.

Message To Obama from Captain David Fey

Captain David Fey wants his money to, he loves Obama, but hes got some ideas for this stimulus money. "Put the money in social security" hahaha old man looking for change, old school style.

Japanese TV, explaining Obama's "Change" to Japanese children

The Japanese love Obama. They even got a little Obama doll if you look closely.

0206 #05 Obama Effects

Weird title I know but its copied from YouTube directly.
It's been several weeks since Barack Obama took oath. Let's revisit the inauguration day when excitement was all over Africa. Although Obama's father was from Kenya, the Africans Right around the continent have adopted him as one of their own even.

Obama's week ahead

President Obama will sign the economic stimulus bill Tuesday. CNN's Suzanne Malveaux reports.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

President Obama Impression

An impression of President Obama, complete with The Joker's lines. Does it get any weirder?

Echoes of Lincoln in Obama

NBA legends on Obama's game

How cool is this?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Barack Obama tells it like it is

Awesome Obama video. Only at

Obama Snowball Fight!!!

Barack Obama Clean Coal Ad

Isn't clean coal was total bullshit?

2/14/09: Your Weekly Address

President Obama celebrates the passage of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act while keeping his eyes on the tough road ahead. (this video is public domain)

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Obama visits Virginia

All Aboard The Obama Express aka The Most Awesomemest Video Youll See Today

Emily Green reads her letter to President Obama.

GOOFY STUDENT : One Last Question For Prez Obama | BLESSING !

Way too funny! This guy, the last guy to get to ask a question at the town hall meeting. He is either on something, or just a good actor. It looks like an act, but even Obama appreciates it, and acts serious. Its all good so check it out.

President Obama and the Homeless Woman

This is a very heart warming clip. Wow, inspirational.

U.S., Pakistan, new beginnings

Worth watching for the reporters accent alone.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

*** BREAKING NEWS *** Possible threat against Obama

Obama's presidency: Day 22

Top dog to the White House?

another Lil Wayne - A Millie - Barack Obama Remix

for some reason the audio doesnt start until 9 seconds in.

'I believe in action'

'Getting harder every day'

Calif. Artist Sues AP Over Image of Obama

I dont blame him, his image was used everywhere, he should get some royalties on it, at least some support to keep making more art.

Disco King on stimilus "Obamas just paying back the unions for his election win"

Very interesting. Do you agree with disco king ?

Obama's first prime-time address

Watch the whole thing from last nite, its an hour long so be careful before you hit play. Make some popcorn first maybe.

President Obama says the truth about consumerism

Obama: Afghanistan a 'challenge'

Why was focused lost on Afghanistan in the first place? Obama's taking care of business.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Obama: A-Rod news 'depressing'

"It tarnishes an entire era." - Obama

Here's a clip of A-Rod, saying he was young, stupid and naive. Life's hard for a Yankee.

Obama challenges Iran

Obama's presidency: Day 21

Barack Obama Music Video - WOW

This is way to funny, someone took the audio excerpts from Obamas book and made a rap music video.

A Message to Everyone Celebrating the Election of our First Black President

Do you agree or disagree? Its like splitting hairs really.

Obama Girl Barock of Love?

President Obama slams McCain at recovery plan town hall meeting

President Obama answers a question about the tax problems experienced by some of his Cabinet picks.

Amazing, Obama talks about the mistake he made by trying to appoint to his cabinet, two individuals who had not paid there taxes. Instead of playing politician, Obama plain and simple admits his mistake.

Obama: This bill isn't perfect

Obama details stimulus plan

'We can't afford to wait'

Welcome to Canada Obama!

Scott Annan from YouTube Canada has a welcome message for President Obama!

Pres. Obama bumps his head

Obama : The Stand Up Years

Way too funny!!!

Obama VS McCain - Pokemon Style

Obama Lashes out, Scolds Republicans [Full Version]

Obama to Republicans: "What do you think a stimulus is?!"

Wow! Obama Dropping F Bombs Acting G Unit

Stop whatever your doing and watch this video!

Etta James Insulting Obama & Beyonce

Does Etta James have a point or is she just some over the hill, past her prime celebutant?

Is Obama's stimulus package green enough?

Feel free to comment anonymously or publicly. Also the guy she talks to from the beginning looks like high as shit and like a teenager, kinda funny.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Working with Faith

On Thursday, February 5, 2009, President Barack Obama delivered remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast then, he signed an executive order establishing the new White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships. In a short video, Executive Director Joshua DuBois explains how the office will operate and what role faith-based and community groups have to play in the economic recovery.


Obama Lashes out, Scolds Republicans, Mocks Cable Chatter, and Bush over Stimulus Plan, Bill

Obama's Presidency: Day 18

Obama's presidency: Day 17

Obama's 17th day in office was highlighted with stimulus package debate, the Middle East and energy independence.

Obama takes first flight

President Obama talks about his first flight aboard Air Force one since he took office.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

President Obama Speech on the Economy in Williamsburg, Va

Part 1

Part 2

Obama sets cap on executive pay

President Obama took steps to rein in corporate compensation, imposing a cap on executive pay for firms that take government bailout money.

Obama gets tough with Republicans

President Barack Obama went into campaign mode and called on Congress to pass the economic stimulus plan now.

Private Obama Pictures From The First 48 Hours (Huffington Post) inauguration

Slideshow with a dope background music track.

President Obama on Economic Recovery

Monday, February 2, 2009

Pres Obama Honored In Baltimore With Wax Statue

From NGBIWM YouTube,
President Obama has been honoured by the great city of Baltimore, Maryland. A special team of artists recreate Pres Obama in wax form. We think its cool, the statue does look like President Obama. Check it out! 3:56

Pres Obama Woos GOP

More news right from the Reuters wire,
President Obama tries to involve more Republican's into his Administration, and also a report on what is happening with the economic stimulus. 2:13

First Lady Michelle Obamas New Campaign

From the Reuters News Agency,
First Lady Michelle Obama steps out and give's reporters a little taste of her mission that shes currently working on : education. 2:22

Also, here is the full speech First Lady Obama gave, as reported by CSPAN. 9:38

Pres Obama Superbowl Interrupted

Another hit from the man alphacat YouTube,
President Obama and recently disgraced Balgojevich have a phone conversation during the super bowl. Its hilarious. 2:39

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Obamas DC Restaurant Renaissance

From once again, CNN.
CNN's Kate Bouldan reports on the many benefits the DC Washington restaurants are having due to the Obamas. People want to go eat where President Obama ate. 2:13

Playback Of Pres Obamas Past Week

From the king of news, CNN.
Here is a brief overview of President Obamas past week - his 2nd week in office. 2:23

A Strong Middle Class Equals A Strong America

From The White House YouTube,
President Obama and Vice President Biden go over the middle class working families task force. 19:52